It was so quiet and peaceful. The air was fresh and crisp and the temperature was near perfect! I had my headphones on and was listening to the Chris Tomlin station on Pandora. There's nothing like enjoying God's beauty early in the morning while listening to praise and worship. It was so nice to be quiet and listen to the words that were being sung in the background.
I really got to think this morning, let my mind go where it wanted to go. I didn't have to focus on anything, other than Chandler not going potty in people's yards. So many thoughts flooded my mind, am I happy, what am I doing with my life, am I where the Lord wants me to be, what will my life look like in 5 years, am I ever going to be satisfied, would I do it all over?
Lets just say, my walk wasn't long enough for me to figure everything out. Before I knew it the sun was starting to come over the horizon, the sound of cars driving down the road was drowning out the music, and the clock was telling me time to get home so I could get ready for work. My peaceful, quiet morning was soon engulfed by stress and noise.
Chan and I got home where he happily greeted Shy and went back to bed, must be nice to be a dog. I quickly got ready and jumped in my car to join the ratrace into work. What will the next 7 hours hold? I don't know, but I do know that my quiet peaceful morning has been replaced with people talking, phones ringing, elevators opening and closing, and the sound of people typing on their keyboards.
Ah, morning walk....I miss you! Until next time....