Shy actually came into our lives as a surprise. We originally were interested in another American Eskimo named Peanut. We got in contact with an Eskie rescue and make an appointment for a home visit with Peanut. When the lady arrived with Peanunt she asked if we'd be willing to see another dog named Shayenne. I'll be honest, I'd seen a photo of Shy on the internet and she looked like this little scraggly thing but the lady explained that she felt like Shy would be a perfect fit for our family of two.
She brought Shy into our apartment and it was love at first sight for both Shy and myselft. She wasn't fond of Jared in the beginning but I insisted we take a chance on this little girl. Before we knew it the lady took off for her next home visit and she told us to call her after a little bit with an update of how it was going.
After about an hour into our time with Shy one on one we called the lady from the Eskie rescue and said we wanted to keep Shy overnight for a trial run. We were given more information regarding Shy and her past. We found out that if we were to adopt her we'd be her fifth owner, she came from a drug home in California and had been bounced around from place to place because she didn't like anyone and they didn't like her! Shy needed A LOT of attention and love. She needed someone to be patient with her and let her come around on her own time.
We had a long road ahead of us with Shy. It was beyond difficult trying to get Shy to meet new people and not try to eat them. I kid you not, we couldn't even walk around the park without her trying to attack someone or something. We tried special training, we tried clicker training, we tried anything and everything we could think of and all she needed was time.
Sure she still barks at the door when someone rings the doorbell and yes, she screams like a little girl when she gets too excited, but we love her just the same. She has gone from an insecure little pup to a mature and wise older lady. We couldn't imagine our family without her and we wouldn't trade her for anything. She's our Shy Butt!!