We've had a crazy couple of months here in the Leffler household. The major crazy is that we found out we're expecting! That's right...baby bean is growing stronger and stronger every day. I've been pretty sick during my first trimester and have spent a lot of time in bed. It's crazy how someone so small can make you so sick. We're super excited to go down this journey and see what the Lord has for our little bean.
It's been so hard not telling everyone our good news but we wanted to make sure all was well with baby bean before we went public. We weren't able to keep it from family and close friends though. We had a lot of fun creating t-shirts for our mothers and nephews to announce the news. Needless to say everyone has been shocked......as were we.
I'll never forgot seeing those double pink lines and how our lives changed in an instant. I hadn't been feeling well for a few days but I was chalking it up to a bug that was going around. I knew I was late, but figured that's happened before and I've been under a lot of stress so no big deal. On a wim I decided to take a pregnancy test on Friday, September 9th. I wasn't planning on telling Jared that I took a test because I was fully expecting it to come back negative. It didn't even take 3 mintues before those double pink lines showed up. I froze....not sure what to do. I couldn't believe the test came back positive. I walked into the bedroom and stood by Jared's bedside. He slowly woke up, said hello, and I lost it. I told him I was pregnant. He shot out of bed and grabbed the test to see for himself. We just stood there crying and hugging each other.
After the first test we decided it was only be natural to go to the store and purchase another test that was a different brand and see if that one came back positive as well. Sure enough it did. I ended up taking one more a few days later just to make sure.
We had our first appointment today and I'm officially 9 weeks and 2 days. Our expected due day is May 1st. Baby bean is doing great and has a strong heartbeat. Our little bean kept wiggling around during the entire ultrasound. Looks like we're going to have a little mover on our hands. Below is our first picture!
Stay tuned for more updates!!