We're really excited to be having a girl. It'll be something new for both of our families since there is an abundance of nephews. We'll have to teach her how to hold her own with her boy cousins.
We've been able to buy her bedding, which I LOVE, and we're slowing putting up decals in her nursery. Everything seems to be falling into place. Now we just need her to finish cooking and then make her grand entrance into the world. So exciting!!
I'm starting to feel her move around more and more. She is a very active little girl! The ultrasound tech told us she was having problems getting good pictures because she kept moving around. At one point when the tech was checking her legs it looked like she was trying to ride a bicycle.
Hopefully she keeps the moving up so that Jared will be able to feel her soon.
Below are just a few pictures we received from our ultrasound appointment. Next week we'll go back to the doctor for our monthly checkup and see what she has to say about our little girl.
