Phew I finally have a minute to blog. I'm just going to throw this out there....these blogs won't be on time....I'm enjoying spending all my time with Livvy and the computer is the last thing on my mind. :o)
Livvy's one month check up was back in May and she weighed in at 6.8 lbs (3%) and was 20.5 inches long (26%). Basically our little girl is all arms and legs! We are still struggling to get weight on but slowly and surely she is gaining. In order to get some weight on her we are having to supplement with formula but we're hopefully that soon she will be back to strictly breast feeding.
Livvy and I are attending a weekly breast feeding support group at the hospital and it's been great being able to see her weight increase over the weeks. We've also made friends with 3 other ladies who all have babies around the same age as Livvy. It's fun to meet up and see how the babies are growing and talk about our concerns and milestones. It's a fantastic support group and I'm glad Livvy and I have the opportunity to go.
At one month Livvy is still a very chill baby. The only time she really cries is when she is hungry, has a gas bubble stuck, or is extremely tired. She loves the new Chris Tomlin CD and will calm down once we start playing it. As of today we've played his album 123 times according to iTunes. Fingers crossed she continues to live up to her name "Peaceful One".
Other highlights for her first month are:
Daddy/Daughter date to Starbucks and Target so I could have an hour to myself. Daddy loved it, Olivia slept through it, and mommy missed them like crazy!
Daddy/Daughter Date to Starbucks and Target |
Daddy and Olivia |
Outfit for date with daddy |
Chandler and Livvy continue to become great buddies. Wherever Livvy is you'll find Chandler. Sometime he can't get close enough to her. She's not too sure what she thinks of Chandler kisses but puts up with him.
Chandler kisses |
Snuggle time |
On Memorial day we had a picnic with some great friends. Livvy enjoyed being outside for a few hours and we enjoyed spending time with our friends and eating some BBQ!
Sleeping after lunch |
We went to Territory days with uncle Ryan and nephew Jakob. It was a nice warm day and we were able to get everything done before the wind blew in. Livvy got to experience her first bus ride, which she slept through and had her diaper changed in the park. She loved the feel of grass on her hands.
Diaper change in the park |
We are enjoying bath time more and more. The first few were a little scary but now once the water hits her belly she loves it! Daddy's favorite time is snuggle time after the bath.
Snuggle time after bath |
Livvy also got to meet Eli for the first time. Eli is my best friend Julie's little boy. It was very fun and a little crazy to get together so our kids could meet. We had a good time talking about kids and how our lives have changed.
Eli and Livvy |
Eli and Livvy |