Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What Has Livvy Been Doing??

She started solid foods

She started with rice cereal
She isn't a huge a huge fan of rice cereal....she prefers veggies

She went to the Balloon Festival

She's been spending time with mommy

She's holding her bottle...when she wants to

She signed up for swimming lessons with her baby friends

She hung out at the park

She took her picture with her baby friend Lew

She plays in her bumbo almost every day

She talks to her animals


Saturday, September 1, 2012

4 Months

Time sure is flying by!

Weight: 10.8 lbs (7-8%)
Height: 23.8 in (46%)
Head Circ: 16 in (54%)
Sleep after shots
During her 4 month check up she received another round of DTAP, Hib, PCV, and Rotavirus. This time she did have a little reaction of a very low grade fever and much fussiness! After 21/2 days she was feeling like herself again. She got another good check up from the doctor and she keeps progressing nicely on her own Livvy scale. We gained over a pound in one month and we grew over 2 inches. Liv has started teething so she has a few meltdowns every now and then when she realizes that her gums hurt but she's been a champ so far. No teeth popping through yet just lots of drool and chewing on fingers.
Liv continues to talk more and more every day. She is giggling on occasion and is still trying to roll over. Sometimes we get half way there and then she stops. She'll do it when she's darn good and ready or maybe she'll just crawl and walk before rolling over.

We spent two weeks at grandma Popp's house while Jared was in Texas for job training. We had a wonderful time hanging out and spending time with grandma and her dog Tokyo. Liv loves being around the dogs and would smile every time one of them would come into the room she was in. Tokyo and Chan adore Liv and Shy could still care less about her.

Hanging out

She is still sleeping through the night and taking awesome naps during the day. She has graduated to taking her naps in her crib all by herself! I have nothing to complain about!!

We haven't been able to hang with our baby friends as much as we would like with me working but hopefully we'll be able to squeeze some time in soon. We're even talking about mommy and baby swimming lessons when all the babies are 6 months old.

Mommy & Liv

Fell asleep in Aunt Jessica's arms during dinner
Liv continues to keep us smiling and laughing every day. We are so thankful for her little life and the blessing she is to us!

Until next time!

Friday, August 3, 2012

3 Months

Things have been busy on the home front. I have started work again and have slowly been getting back into the swing of things. I have an amazing opportunity to work from home right now so that has been a HUGE blessing. I have a great boss and team that encourage me every step of the way.

Going to church
Livvy went in for her second round of shots. She got the Hib and PCV shots and did wonderful. She didn't have any reactions after the shots besides tender thighs. She continues to gain weight slowly but surely. We had a few tummy problems when we were switching formulas and that was not fun for Livvy or for mommy. She is doing much better now that we've found a good formula for her.

Waiting for shots
We've experienced everything from floods to fires the past month. The Waldo Canyon fire sent Livvy and I down to my mom's house for a week. We had so much fun being on "vacation". The smoke was pretty thick at times and with Livvy's breathing we felt it'd be better to go stay with my mom in her A/C house. Yes, we do have AC in our house but our bedroom and Livvy's room are over the garage and under the attic. Unfortunately the only way to keep our room cool is to have a window unit and that was sucking in the smoke.  All in all it was a great time and grandma Popp loved having Livvy around for a week.

Flooding at Citadel Mall
Waldo Canyon Fire
During our stay with grandma Popp Livvy started sitting up by herself on the couch. She loves grandma's couch for naps and enjoys sitting there watching Jake play. Jake and Livvy are becoming pals and it's so fun to see Livvy's eyes get big when Jake makes funny faces or tries to explain cars or army men to her. There was one time she was crying and he went right up to her and told her to watch him and she'd feel better. He's also a great backseat babysitter and makes sure to let grandma and I know when Livvy is sleeping or when he's had to give her the pacifier. I have a feeling these two cousins are going to get along great!

Sitting Up
We took a day trip up to Denver with our friends Will and Peter. Our destination was IKEA! We had a great time walking around seeing what all IKEA had to offer. That place is HUGE! Livvy slept for a majority of the time but did decide to wake up at the end to see where she was. We ended up spending the entire day in Denver as we had to take Peter to DIA in the evening. Livvy did awesome despite having one meltdown at dinner. She was tired and the restaurant was loud! Once she was outside where it was quiet so went right to sleep. She slept the whole way up to Denver and the whole way home.


Will and Livvy
Livvy has been sleeping through the night since the end of June. There have been times that I've had to wake her up in the mornings. Waking up is hard since she's not a morning baby but she always manages a big smile as soon as she sees us.

Livvy and I are still meeting up with our babies and mommies group. We're building some great friendships and it's wonderful seeing how the babies are growing and becoming more and more aware.

Jared has been making monthly videos of Livvy. Below is her 3 month video.

Until next time!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Just Livvy

Just Hanging

Shopping in Manitou

Sleeping during Manitou shopping

Love Grandma Popp's couch

Teddy Bear

Saturday, July 21, 2012

2 Months

2 Month Video

Time for Livvy's two month update. We've been super busy with appointments, get togethers, and life in general.

At Livvy's two month appointment her stats were: 8.4 lbs (4%), 21.5 inches long (18%), and her head circumference 15 inches (33%). She also received her DTAP and rotavirus vaccine. She did extremely well and had no reactions or fever after.

Waiting for shots
On May 27th we dedicated Livvy at church. Our pastor talked a little about parenting and raising Livvy in a Christian home. Our prayer is that she would come to know Christ at an early age and grow to know and love the Lord with all her heart. 

Praying for Livvy
Family photo
We've also had a great time going to dinner or hanging out at home with friends. It seems like there is always something to do and a great photo opportunity. 

Livvy with Lydia
High five

I enjoying spending every moment with Livvy. I absolutely love being a mommy especially Livvy's mommy. She brings so much joy to our lives and we can't imagine life without her. At two months she started smiling and cooing. Now she "talks" and smiles every day.
Kisses from mommy

Until next time!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

1 Month Update

Phew I finally have a minute to blog. I'm just going to throw this out there....these blogs won't be on time....I'm enjoying spending all my time with Livvy and the computer is the last thing on my mind. :o)

Livvy's one month check up was back in May and she weighed in at 6.8 lbs (3%) and was 20.5 inches long (26%). Basically our little girl is all arms and legs! We are still struggling to get weight on but slowly and surely she is gaining. In order to get some weight on her we are having to supplement with formula but we're hopefully that soon she will be back to strictly breast feeding.

Livvy and I are attending a weekly breast feeding support group at the hospital and it's been great being able to see her weight increase over the weeks. We've also made friends with 3 other ladies who all have babies around the same age as Livvy. It's fun to meet up and see how the babies are growing and talk about our concerns and milestones. It's a fantastic support group and I'm glad Livvy and I have the opportunity to go.

At one month Livvy is still a very chill baby. The only time she really cries is when she is hungry, has a gas bubble stuck, or is extremely tired. She loves the new Chris Tomlin CD and will calm down once we start playing it. As of today we've played his album 123 times according to iTunes. Fingers crossed she continues to live up to her name "Peaceful One".

Other highlights for her first month are:

Daddy/Daughter date to Starbucks and Target so I could have an hour to myself. Daddy loved it, Olivia slept through it, and mommy missed them like crazy!

Daddy/Daughter Date to Starbucks and Target
Daddy and Olivia
Outfit for date with daddy
Chandler and Livvy continue to become great buddies. Wherever Livvy is you'll find Chandler. Sometime he can't get close enough to her. She's not too sure what she thinks of Chandler kisses but puts up with him. 

Chandler kisses
Snuggle time
On Memorial day we had a picnic with some great friends. Livvy enjoyed being outside for a few hours and we enjoyed spending time with our friends and eating some BBQ!

Sleeping after lunch
We went to Territory days with uncle Ryan and nephew Jakob. It was a nice warm day and we were able to get everything done before the wind blew in. Livvy got to experience her first bus ride, which she slept through and had her diaper changed in the park. She loved the feel of grass on her hands. 

Diaper change in the park
We are enjoying bath time more and more. The first few were a little scary but now once the water hits her belly she loves it! Daddy's favorite time is snuggle time after the bath.
Snuggle time after bath

Livvy also got to meet Eli for the first time. Eli is my best friend Julie's little boy. It was very fun and a little crazy to get together so our kids could meet. We had a good time talking about kids and how our lives have changed.

Eli and Livvy

Eli and Livvy