Things have been busy on the home front. I have started work again and have slowly been getting back into the swing of things. I have an amazing opportunity to work from home right now so that has been a HUGE blessing. I have a great boss and team that encourage me every step of the way.
Going to church |
Livvy went in for her second round of shots. She got the Hib and PCV shots and did wonderful. She didn't have any reactions after the shots besides tender thighs. She continues to gain weight slowly but surely. We had a few tummy problems when we were switching formulas and that was not fun for Livvy or for mommy. She is doing much better now that we've found a good formula for her.
Waiting for shots |
We've experienced everything from floods to fires the past month. The Waldo Canyon fire sent Livvy and I down to my mom's house for a week. We had so much fun being on "vacation". The smoke was pretty thick at times and with Livvy's breathing we felt it'd be better to go stay with my mom in her A/C house. Yes, we do have AC in our house but our bedroom and Livvy's room are over the garage and under the attic. Unfortunately the only way to keep our room cool is to have a window unit and that was sucking in the smoke. All in all it was a great time and grandma Popp loved having Livvy around for a week.
Hail |
Flooding at Citadel Mall |
Waldo Canyon Fire |
During our stay with grandma Popp Livvy started sitting up by herself on the couch. She loves grandma's couch for naps and enjoys sitting there watching Jake play. Jake and Livvy are becoming pals and it's so fun to see Livvy's eyes get big when Jake makes funny faces or tries to explain cars or army men to her. There was one time she was crying and he went right up to her and told her to watch him and she'd feel better. He's also a great backseat babysitter and makes sure to let grandma and I know when Livvy is sleeping or when he's had to give her the pacifier. I have a feeling these two cousins are going to get along great!
Sitting Up |
We took a day trip up to Denver with our friends Will and Peter. Our destination was IKEA! We had a great time walking around seeing what all IKEA had to offer. That place is HUGE! Livvy slept for a majority of the time but did decide to wake up at the end to see where she was. We ended up spending the entire day in Denver as we had to take Peter to DIA in the evening. Livvy did awesome despite having one meltdown at dinner. She was tired and the restaurant was loud! Once she was outside where it was quiet so went right to sleep. She slept the whole way up to Denver and the whole way home.
Will and Livvy |
Livvy has been sleeping through the night since the end of June. There have been times that I've had to wake her up in the mornings. Waking up is hard since she's not a morning baby but she always manages a big smile as soon as she sees us.
Sleeping |
Napping |
Livvy and I are still meeting up with our babies and mommies group. We're building some great friendships and it's wonderful seeing how the babies are growing and becoming more and more aware.
Smiles |
Jared has been making monthly videos of Livvy. Below is her 3 month video.
Until next time!