Time sure is flying by!
Weight: 10.8 lbs (7-8%)
Height: 23.8 in (46%)
Head Circ: 16 in (54%)
Sleep after shots |
During her 4 month check up she received another round of DTAP, Hib, PCV, and Rotavirus. This time she did have a little reaction of a very low grade fever and much fussiness! After 21/2 days she was feeling like herself again. She got another good check up from the doctor and she keeps progressing nicely on her own Livvy scale. We gained over a pound in one month and we grew over 2 inches. Liv has started teething so she has a few meltdowns every now and then when she realizes that her gums hurt but she's been a champ so far. No teeth popping through yet just lots of drool and chewing on fingers.
Teething |
Liv continues to talk more and more every day. She is giggling on occasion and is still trying to roll over. Sometimes we get half way there and then she stops. She'll do it when she's darn good and ready or maybe she'll just crawl and walk before rolling over.
Hi |
We spent two weeks at grandma Popp's house while Jared was in Texas for job training. We had a wonderful time hanging out and spending time with grandma and her dog Tokyo. Liv loves being around the dogs and would smile every time one of them would come into the room she was in. Tokyo and Chan adore Liv and Shy could still care less about her.
Hanging out |
She is still sleeping through the night and taking awesome naps during the day. She has graduated to taking her naps in her crib all by herself! I have nothing to complain about!!
We haven't been able to hang with our baby friends as much as we would like with me working but hopefully we'll be able to squeeze some time in soon. We're even talking about mommy and baby swimming lessons when all the babies are 6 months old.
Mommy & Liv |
Fell asleep in Aunt Jessica's arms during dinner |
Liv continues to keep us smiling and laughing every day. We are so thankful for her little life and the blessing she is to us!
Until next time!