His favorite color is blue
He's color blind
He loves cars and electronics
He's worked for the same company for almost 10 years
He's battled cancer (cancer free for 9 years and 310 days!!)
He started, stopped, and started again college due to heath reasons and now has his bachelors
He wants to get his masters
He grew up in Yuma, AZ
He has 3 younger brothers all with the same initials as him (J.J.L)
He loves kids
He doesn't like nuts
When he gets an idea there's no stopping him
His nostrils flair when he's mad
He could live off of soda, meat, potatoes, and dove dark chocolate (if he had too)
He's not afraid to speak his mind
He takes care of his family
There is one other thing I'd like to share....I LOVE JARED!!!!! I love how he's grown since we've known each other. I love how he takes the laundry basket up and down the stairs for me every weekend. I love when he randomly tells me he loves me. I love his smile. I love how he supports me. I love how he lets me vent to him when I'm having a stressful day. I love his odd sense of humor. I love our lazy days of spending time together with he dogs. I love dinner dates with him. I love that he lets me be me!
Love you, Jared!
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