We went in for our follow up ultrasound a week ago and everything is progressing nicely. We got the extra confirmation that our baby is indeed a little girl! Phew! Jared's mind was finally put at ease. My mom and nephew Jakob were able to go to the ultrasound with us. It was a lot of fun hearing Jakob's commentary during the visit!
During the ultrasound we did get to see her wave at us and stretch one of her legs. I couldn't believe how long her little leg was. She continues to grow like she should and at the appointment she weighed in at a whopping 1 lb 11oz. She is smack dab in the middle where she should be. We also got the confirmation that my placenta has moved so as of now there is no need to have a C-section and she should be able to come naturally.
She is still a little mover. We have fun at night laying in bed watching her kick and move around. She still gets a little shy as soon as Jared tries to talk to her or puts his hand on my stomach. He has been able to feel her kick a couple of times and I think he enjoys that.
The nursery is pretty much complete. The only thing left is to order her name. I'm trying to decide between wood letters or canvas letters. Everything seems to be falling into place.
We have started to register and let me tell you, that whole process is exhausting! There are so many different things to research and see what new products are out there. Baby steps...that's what I keep telling myself.
All in all everything is moving right along. Still seems like it's going to be forever before we meet her but at the same time it's flying by to fast.
Until next time!
so so so excited to introduce Eli to his new little girlfriend... so happy for you guys!