Every Thursday during the month of march we attend a labor & delivery class. It's made for some long Thursdays but all of the classes have been really helpful and eyeopening to certain aspects of labor & delivery. We're so glad we signed up for the classes! I think both Jared and I would agree that the best class was when we were able to tour the labor and delivery floor of the hospital. It made us feel more comfortable seeing where we'd be giving birth and hearing more about how they handle births at the hospital. I have had a couple of mini freak out moments while attending the labor & delivery classes but Jared keeps reminding me that many women have done this before me and that I can do it also. Easy for him to say....he doesn't have to push a watermelon out of a hole the size of a grapefruit! I've been present for births before but it's a whole different ball game when you realize you're the one that will be doing all the work and pushing this time around! We are filling out paperwork to get pre-registered at the hospital and they have you outline your birth plan. I'm trying to figure out how I can say, "My perfect birth plan would be to sneeze and she fall out!" Seriously though, wouldn't that be awesome? I know that's not going to happen but hey one can dream....right?
The past two Wednesdays we've taken a baby care class. The class was packed full of valuable information. Some information we knew and other information we had no clue about. It was fun to see how many of the guys in class had never changed a diaper or only changed one or two in their entire life. I have to admit that I was very impressed with the knowledge Jared had regarding baby care how natural he looked with the fake baby.
We went into the doctor this morning for our usual check up and found out that they've bumped up my due date to April 28th. They did tell me that where I'm at now in the pregnancy if she were to come early they wouldn't try to stop her from coming. I've reached that magical time where should she come in the next few weeks she should be just fine. We're praying she keeps cooking for at least another 4 weeks and then if she'd like to talk to us about coming early we'd be open for discussion. We can't wait for her arrival but at the same time want to make sure she has the most adequate cooking time possible. We'll go in next week for another check up and then have a brief ultrasound to make sure her head is down. There will be other tests next week as well and let me just say, NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT ONE TEST IN PARTICULAR!!!!! It's a good thing the nurse took my blood pressure before giving me the heads up of what next week would entail!
In other kid news Shy and Chan are doing well and getting used to some baby stuff being around. Chan loves to lay on my belly at night and cuddle whereas Shy could honestly care less. I do think she knows something is coming and has kicked up her guarding skills. Which is another way of saying she's a loud mouth! We've been talking about how we're going to introduce them to the baby when we come home as well as figuring out how we're going to deal with them while we're in the hospital. I've tried to convince Jared they just need to come to the hospital with us but he's not really going for that idea.
That's all for now! Until next time!
What test are you talking about? I promise you - there aren't any tests that are horribly awful! I PROMISE!!! Let me calm your nerves, please! I'm so excited for the both of you! You are going to be great parents! xoxo Amy