Monday, February 6, 2012


This weekend we went in for our first 3D/4D ultrasound. I know the whole 3D/4D thing weirds some people out but for us we wanted to get a better look at our little girl. It was a fun experience and one we're looking at doing again in a few weeks when she gets even bigger.

Our session lasted 30 minutes and unfortunately during that 30 minutes she was very happy to sleep and not move much. It took almost the full 30 minutes to get some good shots but we were successful. As soon as the tech started poking around she lifted her hand to her face so a majority of the time half her face was hidden. We had to laugh that no matter what we did, moving from side to side, poking her, jiggling her, she kept that hand right in front of her....I'm thinking she might have a stubborn streak in her.

It really was neat to see her as a little baby vs a black and white outline. We enjoyed trying to figure out who's nose and lips she'll have. She has some chubby cheeks, a little double chin and even a small leg roll. Poor little girl....mama is chalking that up to not having much room in there and she's all squished. All in all we are so in love with our little girl and can't hardly wait for her to finish cooking so we can hold her in our arms.

Jared bought a doll not too long ago and brought it home to try and help Shy and Chan get used to a "baby" being around and being in our arms. Chan loves to go up to the doll and touch his nose to her face and Shy...well...she's typical Shy....she doesn't want anything to do with the doll or with whoever is holding the doll at the time. However, she is more than happy to sit in the baby's stoller or car seat. We recenetly purchased the stroller/car seat combo and Jared was putting it together to make sure all the parts were there. I could hardly keep Shy in my lap while he worked on the stroller. She's a crazy girl! We had to break out our nephew's old stroller for her to sit in just to calm her down. She ended up sleeping in our nephew's stroller for the next few hours.

Life is about to get busy here for us with work schedules, birthing classes, baby classes and much more. I have a feeling the next 85 days are going to fly by!

Until next time!

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