I was sitting at work this morning drinking my cup of home brewed coffee when I had a thought..."Could I go an entire year without drinking Starbucks?" The answer....I don't know
but I'm going to give it a try. I have nothing against Starbucks. I love their chai, mochas, lattes, teas and almost anything else they brew up. However, I am fully capable of making my own chai, mocha, latte, tea and coffee at home. So why not take a year off and save some money and calories?!? I'm going to start my year of no Starbucks back on Janurary 1, 2010 even though the thought crossed my mind this morning. I'll be honest with you....I haven't had a drink from Starbucks once this year! Ask Jared...I haven't. So it's day 7 and I'm going strong. Wish me luck on this new endevor, I'll keep you updated as I go along.

(JJL) I do not agree with anything on this blogpost...while nicely written, I will still go to Starbucks if I have a gift card or if a friend treats me!
ReplyDeleteAfter spending over $4 the other day for a treat, and it being half foam, I think I will boycott them with you. Now, if only the chai latte from Tassimo didn't have splenda, we'd be golden.
ReplyDeleteJJL - Might be easy to boycott them now that you have a Tassimo!
ReplyDeleteI'm so proud of you...I can come and enjoy hot chocolate with you...well, whenever you invite me! :-)