Shayenne is the girl of the house - The Queen Bee. She's a cutie and loves to snuggle. She remains as clean and fresh as the day we bring her home from the groomers. Chandler, the scraggly little boy, always manages to roll around in God knows what, only moments from returning from the groomers. He only continues to grow more and more gross and scraggly as minutes click past on the clock above the stove. We love our dogs like they're our children. They get to go on car rides and eat Subway with us at the neighborhood park.
Each of them has their own unique personalities. It's funny to even write about it because most of it you'll have to see for yourself to believe it. In the meantime, allow me to paint a simple picture for you. Shy is really like a retired professional working girl who is very much set in her ways and won't change for anything. She still relys on Daddy's credit cards but also likes you to be the one to make the effort in the relationship. Chandler, is still a kid at heart, with no job, no income, and lives in his parent's basement, not to mention he's in his mid twenties.

In reality, never having had kids, we imagine owning two dogs is much the same, except for one thing. When we go to the movies, we can leave our kids in a small crate with no food or water, in the basement, in the dark, with a radio on. With human kids you can't do that. You can't even leave a kid in the car with a window cracked part way (in most states anyway) no matter how long you plan on being gone. As I write this last line, Shy is looking up at me almost to say "please turn the television down, I'm trying to sleep."
omg they're so cute! i love it :)