Friday, March 25, 2011

Today I remember....

A man who loved the Lord and his church

A man who loved his family and would do anything for them

A man who worked hard so his family could have what they needed

A man who loved deeply

A man that lived life to the fullest

A man that would drop whatever he was doing to help a friend in need

A man who loved to tell stories and jokes

A man who loved to cook

A man who had high standards for himself and his family

A humble man

A man of character

A man who loved to sing at the top of his lungs and didn't care if he was off key

A man who encouraged those around him

A man who was taken from this earth way to soon in my opinion

A man I'd give anything to spend another day with

Today I remember my dad

I'll never forget this date and how it forever changed my life and who I am today

Dad, I miss you more than words can express. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about you and miss you.

I love you forever and always!

Your baby girl,

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